Thursday, May 28, 2015

sesquipedalian final ~

We will use the online quizlet to test your skills.  Hopefully you still remember the meaning of 111 words we've had this year.


Write about an awakening or a moment of reality in your life and discuss how this has affected you and where you are now or are planning to be in the future.

(200-500 words)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

STITCHES ~ your response

How does the boy's discovery affect his understanding of his relationship with his parents?
What do you predict will happen to the boy at the end of this story? If you already read ahead and finished the book, then write about whether or not you anticipated the ending correctly.

Use google docs and share the document or post your comment below.

Monday, May 11, 2015


CHOOSE any of the discussion questions in the book.  There are 11 of them and they require thought and honest responses.  Type out the question you plan to respond to and keep your response within the 350-500 word range.  Please be thoughtful in your answers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Diary of a Part Time Indian: 5 Lists; nine things

Reminder: bring five lists of nine things by Friday.  Re-read p 159-178 if you need inspiration for your list.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

SAT 50 ~ top 50 SAT words

HAVE you been reviewing the SAT 50?  If not, check out the vocab app found on the April 4 blog entry.  We will be doing SAT 50s every Friday until the end of the school year.  This must be done in class in order for your score to count.

DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THE SESQUIPEDALIAN LIST which you can do at home or anywhere at anytime.  But you can send me only one score per day and it has to be 70% or better.  This  April SAT word challenge ends when April ends...

Read the March 31st entry if you are confused about the instructions for that assignment.

Monday, April 13, 2015

DIARY of a P/T Indian thru p. 98

Finish Slouching Towards Thanksgiving and the subsequent sections until p. 112.

Write your initial response to the chapters.

There are controversial issues that come up during this section...why should they or should they not be discussed?

At least two paragraph response...  DUE BY END OF PERIOD

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Vocabahead app another fun way to increase our lexicon


Check out this video clip and learn 50 more words.  I will add them to our quizlet so review them as often as you can.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

11 unwritten rules, now written

Post your 11 unwritten rules of ____.  Makes sure you have a title.  Remember that the public could potentially read this so use appropriate language and be conscious of your audience.

Writing Reviews

For samples of actual book reviews, check out the School Library Journal.  Here's a link to one of their most recent reviews:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

APRIL'S SESQUIPEDALIAN challenge (more SAT vocabulary)

SESQUIPEDALIAN means MULTISYLLABLES, exactly like the word itself :-)

1.  Choose multiple choice, TERMS, 25 words (it will randomly choose the words from the list)

2.  You will attempt to take the quiz as many times as you wish

3.  However, you will turn in only one score per day. Email me a screen shot of your results.  Make sure you mention Sesquipedalian Vocab on the subject line or your message will go straight to junk mail.

4.  Break down of scores:
90% or higher = +5
80%-89% = +4
70%-79% = +3

5.  You will earn up to 40 points to your final score.  This is NOT extra credit.

School Climate Survey

Comment below once you've taken it.  Thanks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

DIARY of a Part Time Indian - Response #1

After reading at least four chapters and finishing our most recent one entitled "Go Means Go," write a paragraph response to what you've read so far.  What was your first reaction to the story? to the characters? to the narrator?

Where do you predict this story will go? In other words, what do you think will happen to the narrator by the time you get to to the end of the story and how do you think he'll get there.  Make a reasonable prediction based on what we've read so far....please, no alien abduction answers.  This is not sci-fi.

DUE 3/25/15 -- END OF PERIOD

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Social Commentary Play ~ your thoughts

In my absence, you and your group of no more than four people will write a short, social commentary play.  Read p. 144 in your springboard book for specific instructions.  POST YOUR IDEAS below under the comments.  You may see your posts show up immediately because I am moderating all the posts so don't post multiple times.

You are welcome to write one as an individual playwright vs. a collaborative playwriting exercise.


Use at least 3 of the most recent words you were given and another 5 from any previous list this semester (check out the list on quizlet if you've forgotten or look over your list).  Write a story or an essay where the words are used correctly in context and where it is evident that you understand the meaning of the word itself.  Please do not cram all words in one sentence and do not include the definition of the word in the sentence.  BTW, a list of words with their definitions does not count as a story.  Underline, or bold or CAPITALIZE the vocabulary choice you've made. 

Enjoy!  Post your story under comments below.  I recommend writing it out on paper or on a word document first before posting on the comments or else you risk losing all the work if there's a posting glitch.  If you have a blog, you can write it on your blog and provide a link to your blog in the comments.  I must be able to access that blog entry.

DUE:  end of 6th period on 3/13/2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015


If you have any extended absences, this is the space for your to post your make-up writing or any notes you wish for me to know.

EXTRA CREDIT POSTS could include links to your super amazing tumblr, fanfic, or other writing blogs; photos containing typos; any terrible English Lit-related humor (must be PG); any epiphanies you may have about writing, literature, grammar, and English "stuff".

Friday, February 20, 2015

quizlet vocab

Take the Quizlet quiz online for per 6 sem 2 -- use all words, multiple choice, definitions.

Sem 2 Vocab story #4

Please use the list you got on Wednesday 2/11/2015 to create your story.  Use at least 3 of the new words + 2 from any previous list.  Use them correctly in context.  Do not include the definition in the story and do not write a list of sentences.  Have fun!  DUE DATE:  2/20/2015, FRIDAY @ 6:00PM

Previous list:  sycophant, pernicious, ubiquitous, non sequitur, diatribe, slipshod
nefarious, precursor, impregnable, demure (+ literary term: portmanteau)
Vixen, coquette, affinity, harangue, jingoistic, implacable

Current list: bemoan, misogynistic, abhor, talisman, placid


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Crucible - reflecting on Proctor

How does Arthur Miller develop John Proctor's character in Act I by juxtaposing him against Reverend Hale or Giles Corey?  Use specific examples from the play as evidence. This is a timed writing exercise so use your twenty minutes wisely. (DUE: 2/18, Wednesday)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sem 2 - Vocab story #3

Please use the list you got on Wednesday 2/4/15 to create your story.  Use at least 3 of the new words + 2 from any previous list.  Use them correctly in context.  Do not include the definition in the story and do not write a list of sentences.  Have fun!  DUE DATE:  2/6/2015, FRIDAY @ 3:45pm.

Previous list:  sycophant, pernicious, ubiquitous, non sequitur, diatribe, slipshod
nefarious, precursor, impregnable, demure (+ literary term: portmanteau)

Current list:  Vixen, coquette, affinity, harangue, jingoistic, implacableMINIMUM:  150 WORDS

Monday, January 26, 2015

IRP - Sem 2 instructions -- READ ME!!!

Hello Students,

You know how much I love reading and I love to know that you, too, are reading...anything and everything at this point :-)

This semester, you are tasked with reading two books in their entirety and independently.  You will get 15-20 minutes of SSR time in class, and yes, that is a graded work period so if you miss it, you must make up for it at home.

You will be required to share one of the novels to your peers as part of your final exam for the semester.  The other book will be shared with me during our one-on-one book talk.

Requirements for for sharing with your peers:
1.  Have an efficient  and effective visual (no posters!!)
2.  Discuss the elements of literary work
3.  Focus on one element that you found most interesting
4.  Share a quote or two
5.  Give a quiz, create a game, do something fun with the book
6.  The possibilities are endless on how you can share this book with the class
7.  Minimum 5 minutes - maximum 15 minutes.

Requirements for book talk with me:
1.  Bring your book to our meeting
2.  Share as much as you want
3.  Format of our discussion is open and informal but you will lead that discussion
4.  We have 7-10 minutes to discuss.

Click POST COMMENT below and enter the book title that you are considering.  I plan to read these books as well so I have an idea what to discuss during our talk and also during your class presentation.

But above all, have fun reading and exploring the literary world.  There's so much out there ... Read on!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sem 2 Vocab story #2

Please use the list you got on Friday 1/23/15 to create your story.  Use at least five of the ten words and use them correctly in context.  Do not include the definition in the story and do not write a list of sentences.  Have fun!  DUE DATE:  1/30/2015, FRIDAY @ 3:45pm.
sycophant, pernicious, ubiquitous, non sequitur, diatribe, slipshod
nefarious, precursor, impregnable, demure (+ literary term: portmanteau)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sem 2 - Vocab story #1

Please  post your story in its final form on the comment box below.  I recommend you write out your story on word document first and then copy and paste on to the box below after you hit reply.

Use any five (5) of the ten words you received today.  You may not use the definition of the words in the story.  Get creative.  Make these words flow within the story and let their usage in context explain their meaning.  Underline or bold the vocabulary used.  Have fun!!

Minimum Word Count: 150

DUE BY FRIDAY, 1/9/2015 @ 3:45PM (end of class period).