Tuesday, September 30, 2014

150 word challenge

You can write about anything.... but you can't go over 150 words or under 140 words.

Keep it PG13

Have fun!

Post under comments here once you've finished writing.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Respond to your IRP novel 9/29/2014


Please respond to this entry by clicking the "add comment" below.  Post an update on your IRP.  Please include the title of the novel you're reading, the page number where you are currently at (the location in your e-device), and at least one really cool, thought-provoking quote that you will then discuss in depth.

Deadline:  Due Wednesday.

Ms. Reyes

Student Entries

Hello Students,

please respond to this post with the following:

Your name (if it's a pseudonym tell me after class which one you are)
Blog Address
Screen Name: