Thursday, April 2, 2015

11 unwritten rules, now written

Post your 11 unwritten rules of ____.  Makes sure you have a title.  Remember that the public could potentially read this so use appropriate language and be conscious of your audience.


  1. Rules for food shopping
    1. Know what you're looking for
    2. Be prepared- use coupons
    3. Look for the express signs
    4. Don't go shopping in pajamas
    5. Have enough money
    6. Only get what you need
    7. Get your favorite foods
    8. Get enough to last for awhile
    9. Don't only get cheap stuff because it might not taste good
    10. Don't take all day to shop. (or you'll end up getting everything and everything is stuff you don't need.)
    11. Don't shop last minute or you might forget something

  2. Rules of friendship -Jenny & Laura
    1. Don't tell anyone about your friend's secrets
    2. Don't date or try to talk to your friend's ex or crush
    3. Germ rule doesn't apply- you can share drinks, chapstick ect...
    4. Be honest with your friends (even if its mean)
    5. Motivate and encourage your friend
    6. Always have your friend's back- especially if he gets jumped (duck creek market)
    7. Make friendship bracelets and bows out of hot cheetos
    9. It's okay to fart
    10. Make a mixtape together on soundcloud
    11. Perform @ the talent show on top of the basketball hoop

  3. Rules for eating in the cafeteria
    1. No staring
    2. Sit with your own clique or group
    3. Either take a chair or awkwardly walk by and grab one
    5. Either share food or ask for food
    6. Eat nothing or eat a lot
    7. Spend at least 3 bucks worth of food
    8. Get food you know all your friends will like (You all share anyways)
    9. If someone says no to sharing food, wait five minutes and ask again
    10. Always get a big cookie
    11. Don't be a pervert and stick food down peoples pants or shirts, everyone just wants to eat.


  4. Rules of Our Teenage Society.
    1)You are not to be offended by racial slurs, as they are just meant as jokes.
    2)All boys will wear the same outfit; Adidas socks with Nike flip flops or Jordon's, Khaki cargo shorts/pants, a graphic t-shirt of some kind and a flat black.
    3)All guys will be clean shaven or have hipster beards
    4)You can be friends with anyone as long as you fit into that clique.
    5)You may not talk to those outside of your clique.
    6)You must be a prep.
    7)You must not be different unless it is considered hip, or cool.
    8)False friends are a very common thing.
    9)Be as authentic as possible.
    10)We live in our pictures and our sentences.
    11)Caffeine or Die.

    By Matthew Woodland and Czariel Armstrong.

  5. Rules for driving

    1. Driver picks music, passenger does not.
    2.Honk at anything
    3.Stop over the white lines
    4.Stop at a merg lane
    5. The "What the heck are they doing" Hand sign
    6.Never stop for people at cross walks
    7.Drive past school busses
    8.When light is yellow, speed up.
    9.slow down when you see the cop.
    10. Look taller when you see the cop
    11.never park right. Be the jerk who took two spots.

  6. Rules for playing League of Legends and living in a village

    1. ADC always gets red in late game

    2. Mid always gets 2nd blue buff

    3. Peel for damage dealers

    4. Always focus damage dealers

    5. Never pick off meta champions unless you're Masters/Challenger

    6. Never push a lane that already has inhibitor down

    7. Always wave when you pass someone while driving

    8. Jerry rig everything

    9. Share all subsistence with friends and family

    10. No need for seat belts

    11. Grandparents are the best seat belts

    1. League of Legends rules by David Delkittie
      Village rules by Tauno Hill

    2. 11. Grandparents are the best baby sitters*

  7. THE RULES FOR FIGHTING by: Tulensa and Jack
    1.All fights are too the DEATH
    2.Anything goes
    3.Hands, elbows, feet, and knees only
    4.You dont talk about fight club
    5.No jumping
    6.Interracial fighting will be considered a hate crime
    7.Fights between the same race (excepts for white) are considered a gang war
    8.Fights between the white race will be called Walmart/K-mart disputes
    9.Any fights between females will be known as cat fights
    10.The winner of any cat fight will be known as sharkiesha

  8. Rules of dating
    By: Shai and Cassandra
    1. NO cheating
    2. Get to know them as best you can
    3. Your first date wont always be the best
    4. Dating isn't all about "some activities"
    5. Go on a DATE (point of dating)
    6. Leave time for your friends
    7. Don't change who you are
    8. There are gonna be fights accept it
    9. Talking/flirting with other girls is considered cheating
    10. Most likely they aren't gonna be completely themselves at first give it time
    11. People can date whatever gender they want
